Gaultheria Procumbens


Gaultheria procumbens is also known as the Eastern Teaberry, Checker Berry, and Wintergreen Plant.

You’ll find it an excellent evergreen, ground covering plant, with dense evergreen foliage that is low and creeping, yet it remains non-invasive and well behaved! It will form a nice carpet of dark green, red tinted foliage, often taking on a metallic tint in winter. This forms the perfect foil to the numerous festive looking, bright red berries.

Very hardy, this plant is easy to grow, and will thrive in a damp position with good quality soil, it will even grow in a problem shady spot under trees. It will make a fantastic ground cover, grow on banks, and even look well as an informal path edging. It’s great used combined with other plants in seasonal planters to look good from Autumn through to Spring with the display of bright berries.

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Gaultheria Speedy Baron

Gaultheria procumbens is also known as the Eastern Teaberry, Checker Berry, and Wintergreen Plant.

You’ll find it an excellent evergreen, ground covering plant, with dense evergreen foliage that is low and creeping, yet it remains non-invasive and well behaved! It will form a nice carpet of dark green, red tinted foliage, often taking on a metallic tint in winter. This forms the perfect foil to the numerous festive looking, bright red berries.

Very hardy, this plant is easy to grow, and will thrive in a damp position with good quality soil, it will even grow in a problem shady spot under trees. It will make a fantastic ground cover, grow on banks, and even look well as an informal path edging. It’s great used combined with other plants in seasonal planters to look good from Autumn through to Spring with the display of bright berries.