Potted Narcissus Daffodil


Potted Daffodil Narcissus Bulbs

Clusters of up to three deep golden-yellow flowers with slightly reflexed petals and deep yellow cups appear in March and April above the narrow, strap-shaped leaves. One of the most popular forms, this delightful dwarf narcissus makes a fabulous early spring display for a sunny window-box. Blue grape hyacinths and slow-growing variegated ivies help to extend the season of interest.

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Potted Daffodil Narcissus Bulbs

Clusters of up to three deep golden-yellow flowers with slightly reflexed petals and deep yellow cups appear in March and April above the narrow, strap-shaped leaves. One of the most popular forms, this delightful dwarf narcissus makes a fabulous early spring display for a sunny window-box. Blue grape hyacinths and slow-growing variegated ivies help to extend the season of interest.