Sambucus Black Lace 3ltr


With its dramatic black foliage and beautiful creamy-pink flowers, Sambucus Black Lace is sure to turn heads! Its a real favourite with leading garden designers because of its stunning decorative foliage and manageability. Flowering from May to June, Black Lace produces stunning 15cm clusters of blooms that fade from creamy-white to dark-pink a contrast to its purple-black, deeply-ridged foliage what’s more, they’ll make an interesting pink coloured twist to home-made cordials or Elderflower Champagne! In autumn the flowers are followed by dark red berries that will attract birds to your garden. It looks like a desirable Acer tree but at the fraction of the cost, fully hardy and easier to manage no wonder its so popular!

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Sambucus Black Lace

With its dramatic black foliage and beautiful creamy-pink flowers, Sambucus Black Lace is sure to turn heads! Its a real favourite with leading garden designers because of its stunning decorative foliage and manageability. Flowering from May to June, Black Lace produces stunning 15cm clusters of blooms that fade from creamy-white to dark-pink a contrast to its purple-black, deeply-ridged foliage what’s more, they’ll make an interesting pink coloured twist to home-made cordials or Elderflower Champagne! In autumn the flowers are followed by dark red berries that will attract birds to your garden. It looks like a desirable Acer tree but at the fraction of the cost, fully hardy and easier to manage no wonder its so popular!